Upon arrival in Osaka, on my way to elsewhere, I ran into this window with a mirror. I took this image with my iPhone.
Osaka, the Mirror in the Window
Kyoto Parking Space, Before Sunrise
The Edge of the Clearing
While in the forest I am using both my main camera, for colour, and my iPhone for monochrome images. I enjoy seeing the images in B&W as I take them. There is such chaos in the images, and the monochrome calms them down,
Control Shed at Peter's Dam
This is the control shed for the dam, formerly a source of water for farmers and fruit tree orchards in Orange County. Now part of a wildlife sanctuary. After flying down from the western forests in British Columbia the brightness makes it difficult to even see.
Trees in Recovery
A Quiet Morning in the Garden Centre
Morning Light in Mr. Lee's Garden
Mr. Lee has shared his garden with me for the past few years. Hidden behind a fence it is a remarkable green space with an abundance of vegetables he cares for. Across the alley way you can see his tall bamboo trees growing from pots on a rooftop. This year he has a squash that at least 6 feet tall. He’s always happy when I come by, opening up the garden and then leaving me to work with my camera.