A large rock along a pathway by the river, how much of it there is unseen, I don’t know. Usually it is covered with kids, as we are still close to the parking lot for the trailhead.
A House Alone
A house in the local light industrial area of the city. A few such structures remain, somewhat out of place.
The Meadow Along the Pathway
The Birds That Wait Forever
These birds, placed in this setting to give them a feeling of life and “the real” instead have a feeling of isolation, aloneness, and emptiness. There seems to be little hope, little future, in spite of the fact they will be there, on the same branch tomorrow, next week, and 5 years from now. Still, I am drawn to them because they don’t move as I study them and notice each feather.
Just Some Images From My Morning Walk

I live in a neighbourhood zoned “light-industrial,” which includes a number of manufacturing plans, industrial laundries, clothing manufacturers, art studios and wonderful back alleys that remind me of Japan. Sometimes, early in the morning, I walk through the neighbourhood and take photos of things that, yes, I have taken before. This is usually a way of relating to the area, a social interaction with a building, rose bush or electric wires which have all become part of my home.
Along a Pathway in the Forest.
Near the Coquitlam River, overlooking the bog and mountains.
The Coquitlam River is just 30 minutes from my house. On one side of the river re the mountains, and on the other is a large bog. Most of the area is flat, but small pathways of dirt criss-cross the bog, until finally it meets the cranberry fields were everything becomes uniform. Looking out from behind the brush it doesn’t seem possible there could be any order out there.
Summer Has Ended, Even in the Window.
Summer has ended, even in the window. Slowly the artificial lights, which are more yellow and red, seem to be the predominant colour. Some plants dies away, no matter how much light we give them. Other seem to stop for the next three months and just wait things out. Some plants seem to be unaffected. Lately I am looking more and more towards small images to take here in the studio.