The Coquitlam River is just 30 minutes from my house. On one side of the river re the mountains, and on the other is a large bog. Most of the area is flat, but small pathways of dirt criss-cross the bog, until finally it meets the cranberry fields were everything becomes uniform. Looking out from behind the brush it doesn’t seem possible there could be any order out there.
The Creek Running Through Town.
The streams, which last year had trimmed pathways on one side, have been allowed to return to their old nature, with overgrowth so high it’s now impossible to follow the creek.
A Swimming Pool in the Garden
The Studio Window in the Early Evening
The studio window, early evening. The light, in late July, already changing. The plants still growing relentlessly.
House with Roses, Vancouver.
Looking Over My Shoulder.
I’ve been writing out my thoughts concerning the photographic process I use on my Substack Page. Please take a look, and subscribe…for free…if you’d like to follow what I write, or enter the conversation. This latest note is about looking back to see things from a different perspective while walking. Seems simple enough, but we need to do it more.
A Towel by a Tree in the Bog
Looking towards Hollywood.
On a long road trip from Canada to the end of California. Several well known sites from perspectives other than the usual.