At night the city is full of empty parking lots. Always lit, sometimes with a single space and another companies parking lot, again a single space, right next to it.
Bike Parking, Tokyo
Tokyo Night

Urban landscape images from Japan by landscape photographer Jim Roche.
Read moreEmpty Street, Tokyo.
Yakushima Island 2024
I’ve returned to Yakushima Island to complete a project on the visual chaos found in the deep rainforest. Several pathways were blocked, and many trails had washed out in severe weather over the past few months. This led us to new areas of the forest, and more encounters with very unconcerned deer and monkeys.
Kagoshima, Late Night/Early Morning
Two Minutes in a Kyoto Parking Lot
Osaka Nights #2
Still in Osaka, taking images, mostly between 4-5 am, empty streets, very quiet. There is a sense of waiting. Some “snack bars” have just closed and the owners are still cleaning up. Garbage trucks are always out at this time. Parking lots are usually empty but in some parts of town there are multiple cars parked as residents have no where to leave their vehicles. No one walking by looks at us or plays an attention as they would elsewhere. Dawn comes with a purple and pinkish sky at one end of the city and at the other a light blue appears.