This website includes images from several of my long-term projects, usually 2-5 years in duration. My work focuses on themes of individual and group identity as reflected in spaces that, over time, give us a sense of place. Yu-Fu Tuan, who wrote the first book I was assigned at University, calls this “topophilia.” He describes this as an “affective bond with one's environment—a person's mental, emotional, and cognitive ties to a place.” This is often felt in the sense of being home or being somewhere familiar when we are not. This can be a comfortable experience or an uncomfortable one. My work usually focuses on the traces of culture, events and experiences, rather than the things themselves. Things that have already occurred and now exist only through our continued engagement with what remains in the landscape. They are often little more than echos, whispers and reverberations.
All photos ©2024-5 Jim Roche, all rights reserved
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